The Brainstorming Series is a concept created by Muriel Matta, launched on the 28th of May 2019 in a first brainstorming session hosted by Cyprus Marine Club. Passionate and creative participants from various industries and generations have been invited by Muriel to choose an initiative they are passionate about, get together and create action plans accordingly. Their brainstorming and team building was facilitated by Muriel. The participants' profiles, ideas and actions are shared herein.
Meet the Bainstorming Community!
Cyprus Marine Club is the Brainstorming Community Major Supporter. The Club has hosted the first session of the Brainstorming Series in May 2019 and several of its members are currently actively involved in the above-mentioned initiatives.
The Club supports the launching of various initiatives and encourages ideas sharing, for the greater good of our community and young leaders.
CMC aims for its members to stay informed and learn, connect with like-minded people, help shape the future, enhance their business relationships and share their thoughts.
Therefore, Cyprus Marine Club members are encouraged to join the Brainstorming Community, in line with the Club Values: Fellowship, Communication and Networking.